Saturday 26 January 2013

First post! :-)

                  Hehe finally set up a blog after 2 failed attempts! So happy haha let's see how long this will last :D
                  Nothing very interesting has been happening to me lately. Just wake up, school, cca, homework, sleep. I've been so busy I feel like I haven't spent enough time bonding with the fam D: shopping trip to orchard coming right up tomorrow though :-) At least that's a little something to look forward to after a tiring Saturday. Having to go back to school on Saturday is a real damper on what used to be my favourite day of the week. >:(
                  Talking about what I've been doing lately, one thing I have not been doing recently I revision >:( I'm supposed to  be doing notes now but I just can't bring myself to do anything after such a tiring day. I feel like I've ben slacking too much :( oh wells there's still tomorrow.
                  On another note, I'm moving house in about 2 weeks! quite excited hehe I think the new house will be quite pretty :D but I haven't been doing much packing D; maybe I'll squeeze some packing in on Monday and Tuesday which are e-learning days. Hooray for e -learning!
                   This rather dreary post has been a summary of life in 2013 so far. hopefully it'll be a good year! Now a cute picture to end this :D
Isn't Agnes just so adorable? ;D goodnight world! Tomorrow will be a better day!